Justice Educational Projects

Justice Rats

Justice Rats was a pilot project for the child court system in South Africa. The DVD’s where designed to make the legal process easier for kids to understand and not to be frightened in the event that they get in contact with the justice system.

Maintenance Multimedia

Bright Media has always been passionate about the issue of justice. There are a large number of queries, confusion, and undue time and effort spent, with little real success for the children who need to be supported by their parents.  Ingrid Bruynse has personally developed the concept of Maintenance Multimedia, sought funding through the Open Society Foundation, and piloted the animated episodes in the Family Court in Johannesburg as a pilot.The current figures for a “success rate' for maintenance applicants of only 16% in Johannesburg Family Court. The DOJCD is in the process of contracting the full roll-out to all courts in South Africa.

Read more: Maintenance Multimedia